Studies Conducted On
Cholesterol-lowering properties of Gamma-Oryzanol
Year Of Study: 2018
Title Of The Study: Report Of Pre Clinical Efficacy Evaluation Of Oryzanol In Golden Hamsters / Dr. B. Dinesh Kumar, PhD, FNAMS, FAPASc, FIPS, Deputy Director (Sr. Grade) & Study Director Coodinator -PCT, ICMR-National Institute Of Nutrition And Dr. Hemalatha R, M.D, FNAMS, FIUNS Director, ICMR-National Institute Of Nutrition / (Yet To Be Published)
A pilot study in rats and efficacy study in golden hamsters recently conducted in the Centre for Advanced Research in Pre-Clinical Toxicology, Drug Toxicology Research Centre, ICMR – National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad, indicated that supplementation of oryzanol (equivalent to 300mg intended human dose) shows a significant reduction in LDL cholesterol and VLDL cholesterol, besides increase in HDL cholesterol in rats as well as golden hamsters. The reducing triglycerides levels prevent the animals to become diabetic in the latter days. It was concluded that considering the above results, oryzanol can be used as the precise compound for hypercholesterolemia and prevent diabetic complications. Further in the pre-clinical safety (acute) as well as sub-chronic safety evaluation studies, even 10 times higher oryzanol supplementation than the intended human dose did not show any adverse effect on any of the parameters studied and did not induce any abnormalities.
Year Of Study: 2015
Title Of The Study: Food supplementation with rice bran enzymatic extract prevents vascular apoptosis and atherogenesis in ApoE−/− mice
C. Perez‐Ternero1 · M. D. Herrera1 · U. Laufs2 · M. Alvarez de Sotomayor1 · C. Werner2
Findings: Long-term food supplementation with RBEE lowers cholesterol and prevents atherosclerotic plaque development in ApoE−/− mice. Differential regulation of vascular and MNC apoptosis and senescence were identified as potential mechanisms.
Year Of Study: 2015
Title Of The Study: Effects Of Ferulic Acid And Γ-Oryzanol On High-Fat And High-Fructose Diet-Induced Metabolic Syndrome In Rats / OuWang, Jia Liu, QianCheng, XiaoxuanGuo, YongWang, LiangZhao, FengZhou, Baoping Ji / PloS One.
This study exhibited that Gamma-Oryzanol is effective in alleviating high-fat and high fructose diet-induced obesity, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia and decreasing liver index, hepatic TG content besides lowering serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) and IL-6 and increasing serum concentration of adiponectin and thereby improve markers of metabolic syndrome (cluster of conditions that increase the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes).
Year Of Study: 2014
Title Of The Study: Gamma-Oryzanol Has An Equivalent Efficacy As A Lipid-Lowering Agent Compared To Fibrate & Statin In Two Dyslipidemia Mice Models. / Antônio, C & Filho, A.C.V.A. & Guedes, F & Duarte, Luis & Lima-Neto, Abelardo & Cameron, L. C. & Bassini, Adriana & Vieira, G & Melo, Tiago & Malmeida, Lia & Queiroz, Maria / International Journal Of Pharmacy And Pharmaceutical Sciences
The results of this study suggest that gamma-oryzanol acts as a potential lipid-lowering agent by reducing both triglycerides and total cholesterol and has same effect as of cholesterol-lowering drugs.
Year Of Study: 2011
Title Of The Study: Anti-Hyperlipidemic Activity Of Oryzanol, Isolated From Crude Rice Bran Oil, On Triton WR-1339-Induced Acute Hyperlipidemia In Rats / Somsuvra B. Ghatak, Shital J. Panchal, Department Of Pharmacology, Institute Of Pharmacy, Nirma University, India / Brazilian Journal Of Pharmacognosy
Oryzanol evoked a significant decrease in the levels of serum cholesterol, triacylglycerides, LDL, VLDL and a significant increase in the level of serum HDL and hepatic antioxidant enzymes. It also showed a significant ameliorative action on the elevated atherogenic index (AI) and LDL/HDL-C ratios. The findings of this study indicate that Oryzanol possesses the potential to lower plasma lipid concentrations and might be of therapeutic benefit in hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis.
Year Of Study: 2007
Title Of The Study: Rice Bran Oil And Oryzanol Reduce Plasma Lipid And Lipoprotein Cholesterol Concentrations And Aortic Cholesterol Ester Accumulation To Greater Extent Than Ferulic Acid In Hypercholesterolemic Hamsters. / Thomas A Wilson, Robert J Nicolosi, Benjamin Woolfrey, David Kritchevsky / The Journal Of Nutritional Biochemistry
The result of this study suggests that gamma-oryzanol significantly lowers plasma non-HDL-Cholesterol (bad cholesterol) levels and raises plasma HDL-Cholesterol (good cholesterol).
Year Of Study: 2006
Title Of The Study: Effects Of Combined Dietary Supplementation On Oxidative And Inflammatory Status In Dyslipidemic Subjects. / R Accinni, M Rosina, F Bamonti, C Della Noce, A Tonini, F Bernacchi, J Campolo, R Caruso, C Novembrino, L Ghersi, S Lonati, S Grossi, S Ippolito, E Lorenzano, A Ciani, M Gorini / Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases – Journal
This study showed that the strategy of combining different dietary supplements like PUFA n-3, Vitamin E, Niacin and Gamma-oryzanol improves lipid profile, inflammatory and oxidative status.
Year: 2003
Title Of The Study: Similar cholesterol-lowering properties of rice bran oil, with varied -oryzanol, in mildly hypercholesterolemic men
Year Of Study: 1997
Title Of The Study: Oryzanol Decreases Cholesterol Absorption And Aortic Fatty Streaks In Hamsters. / Ni Rong, Lynne M. Ausman & Robert J. Nicolosi / American Oil Chemists’ Society (AOCS)
This study demonstrates that Oryzanol reduces plasma TC and Non-HDL-C by reducing cholesterol absorption. These properties were associated with a reduction in early atherosclerosis.
Year Of Study: 1990
Title Of The Study: Effects Of Gamma-Oryzanol On Serum Lipids And Apolipoproteins In Dyslipidemic Schizophrenics Receiving Major Tranquilizers. / Sasaki J, Takada Y, Handa K, Kusuda M, Tanabe Y, Matsunaga A, Arakawa K / Clinical Therapeutics
This study showed that gamma oryzanol is safe and effective in the treatment of dyslipidemia even in schizophrenic patients receiving major tranquillizers. Total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, respectively, decreased significantly, from 204 and 124 mg/dl at baseline to 176 and 101 mg/dl after taking 300mg gamma oryzanol daily for twelve weeks.
Year Of Study: 1990
Title Of The Study: Effects Of Γ-Oryzanol On Prostaglandin Metabolism In Vascular Walland Platelet / Makoto Kunisaki, Fumio Umeda, Hidehiro Ishii, Teruaki Yamauchi And Hajime Nawata / The Journal Of Japan Atherosclerosis Society
The results of this study indicated that gamma-oryzanol and its metabolites can be effective agents for prostaglandin metabolism in the vascular wall and platelets in vivo, preventing the development of vascular lesions such as atherosclerosis.
Year Of Study: 1990
Title Of The Study: Influence Of Oryzanol On Platelet Aggregation In Rats / G S Seetharamaiah, TP Krishnakantha, N Chandrasekhara / Journal Of Nutritional Science And Vitaminology
The results of this study suggest that gamma-oryzanol is an inhibitor of platelet aggregation.
Year Of Study: 1988
Title Of The Study: Hypocholesterolemic Activity Of Oryzanol In Rats / G. S. Seetharamaiah, N. Chandrasekhara / Nutrition Reports International
This study showed that feeding Oryzanol significantly decreased low-density lipoprotein (LDL)- cholesterol and triglycerides in rats after 7 weeks. Liver total cholesterol, triglyceride, and phospholipids also decreased significantly.
Year Of Study: 1985
Title Of The Study: The Effects Of Ursodeoxycholic Acid Gamma Oryzanol And Beta-Sitosterol On Serum Lipids And Apolipoprotein A 1 / KAWAMOTO, T.; HORIUCHI, I.; HAYASHI, K.; TAKATA, K.; OKAHASHI, M.; TAZUMA, S.; NOMURA, Y.; TOKUMO, H.; HIRAOKA, T.; E.A. / Medical Journal Of Hiroshima University
The results of this study showed that administration of gamma-oryzanol at the doses of 600 mg/day for 8 weeks increased serum apolipoprotein A-1 and there was a tendency of increase in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol.
Year Of Study: 1982
Title Of The Study: Clinical Effect Of Gamma-Oryzanol On Climacteric Disturbance -On Serum Lipid Peroxides / M Ishihara, Y Ito, T Nakakita, T Maehama, S Hieda, K Yamamoto, N Ueno / Nihon Sanka Fujinka Gakkai Zasshi
This study showed that daily intake of 300mg Gamma Oryzanol significantly reduced total cholesterol, triglyceride and increased HDL-cholesterol in cases with hyperlipidemia (TC greater than or equal to 220 mg/dl, TG greater than or equal to 140 mg/dl, HDL-chol. less than or equal to 45 mg/dl) and in cases with climacteric disturbance lipid peroxides level was high, and they were significantly recovered by the administration of gamma-oryzanol.