These Are Some Press Coverages 1. Medindia - Twindemic: Influenza and Covid-19 Infection 2. Sambad English - With Winter And Covid, Be Prepared For ‘Twindemic’: Experts 3. DT Next - With winter and Covid, be prepared for 'Twindemic': Experts 4. Alkhaleej Today - Reduce the risk of “twine chemistry” with these expert tips 5. FIT The Quint - COVID-19: Experts Worried About ‘Twindemic’ During Winters 6. Orissa Post - Experts worried about upcoming Twindemic: This is how you can avoid it 7. The Health Site - Coronavirus: As winter approaches, experts ask people to get prepared for “twindemic” 8. - Be Ready to Face ‘Twindemic’ as Winter is Approaching Amid COVID-19 Pandemic: Experts 9. Times Of India - Come Winter, Brace For Twindemic? 10. Mid Day - With Winter And COVID-19 =, Be Prepared For 'Twindemic': Experts 11. India TV News - With winter and Covid, be prepared for 'Twindemic': Experts 12. The Tribune - With winter and Covid, be prepared for 'Twindemic': Experts 13. The Tribune - Study reveals a new mechanism that causes Alzheimer's disease 14. The Bridge Chronicle - Twindemic: Experts warn against the upcoming winters along with COVID-19 15. The Daily Hunt - With winter and Covid, be prepared for 'Twindemic': Experts 16. British Asia News - WITH WINTER AND COVID, BE PREPARED FOR ‘TWINDEMIC’: EXPERTS 17. Newsd - With winter and Covid, be prepared for ‘Twindemic’: Experts 18. Punjab Newsline - With winter and Covid, be prepared for ‘Twindemic’: Experts 19. Andhram - With winter and Covid, be prepared for ‘Twindemic’: Experts 20. Prokerala - With winter and Covid, be prepared for ‘Twindemic’: Experts 21. The Shillong Times - With winter and Covid, be prepared for ‘Twindemic’: Experts 22. E Times - Natural antioxidants can keep heart healthy during winters, Covid-19 23. The Weather Channel - Natural Antioxidants Can Keep Heart Healthy in Winters amid COVID-19 Spread: Health Experts 24. The National Herald - Natural antioxidants can keep heart healthy during winters, COVID-19 25. TimesNow News - Experts recommend keeping your heart healthy with natural antioxidants during winters, COVID-19 26. Bhaskar Live - Natural antioxidants can keep heart healthy during winters, COVID-19 27. National Chronicle - Natural antioxidants can keep heart healthy during winters, Covid-19 28. Health World - Natural antioxidants can keep heart healthy during winters, Covid-19 29. News Karnataka - Natural antioxidants can keep heart healthy during winters, Covid-19 30. The Health Site - Natural antioxidants will keep your heart healthy during winters, COVID-19: Know the sources 31. The Tribune - Natural antioxidants can keep heart healthy during winters, Covid-19' 32. IndiaTV - Natural antioxidants can keep heart healthy during winters, Covid-19' 33. Telangana Today - Natural antioxidants can keep heart healthy during winters 34. Bangalore Mirror - Natural antioxidants can keep heart healthy during winters, Covid-19' 35. The Bridge Chronicle - Natural antioxidants important for heart health in winters: Experts 36. Newsd - Natural antioxidants can keep heart healthy during winters, Covid-19' 37. Med India - Natural antioxidants can keep heart healthy during winters, Covid-19' 38. The Morung Express - Natural antioxidants can keep heart healthy during winters, Covid-19' 39. Debate - Los antioxidantes naturales para proteger el corazon durante el invierno y pandemia 40. NewsGram - Natural Antioxidants Keep Heart Healthy During COVID and Winter. 41. - Natural Antioxidants Can Keep Your Heart Healthy During Winters, COVID-19 42. Jagran - If you want to keep the heart healthy in a natural way, then include rice bran in the diet. 43. FIT The Quint - How to Keep Your Heart Healthy in Winters & For COVID-19 44. Suara - Jaga Kesehatan Jantung selama Musim Dingin, Konsumsi Antioksidan Alami Ini 45. Telangana Today - Gamma oryzanol can prevent cytokine storm in Covid patients: Experts 46. - Gamma oryzanol can prevent cytokine storm in Covid patients: Experts 47. British Asia - Gamma oryzanol can prevent cytokine storm in Covid patients: Experts 48. Medindia - Gamma Oryzanol Prevents Negative Clinical Outcomes in COVID-19 Patients 49. Nirog Street - Gamma oryzanol can prevent cytokine storm in Covid patients: Experts 50. Times of Republic - Gamma oryzanol can prevent cytokine storm in Covid patients: Experts 51. Can India - Gamma oryzanol can prevent cytokine storm in Covid patients: Experts 52. The Siasat Daily - Gamma oryzanol can prevent cytokine storm in Covid patients: Experts 53. Lifestyle - Cytokine storm in COVID patients can be prevented by gamma oryzanol : Experts 54. India Narrative - Gamma oryzanol can prevent cytokine storm in Covid patients: Experts 55. - Revealed: Gamma oryzanol can prevent cytokine storm in Covid patients 56. - Gamma oryzanol can prevent cytokine storm in Covid patients: Experts 57. Deccan News - Gamma oryzanol can prevent cytokine storm in Covid patients: Experts 58. International Association of Rice Bran Oil - Gamma oryzanol can prevent cytokine storm in Covid patients: Experts 59. The Statesman - Natural antioxidant Gamma Oryzanol gains popularity in India 60. Punjab News Express - Natural antioxidants helps manage cholesterol, sugar during Covid